Mark Twain embodied the American Spirit with humanity when called for, humility when necessary, and humor to avoid indigestion. The mission of the Mark Twain Education Society is to entertain, inform and enlighten. Our goal is to  engage audiences around the country through lectures and performances inspired by Twain’s work, life and times. 

About Mark Twain Education Society

In 1979, The Harristown Development Corporation of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania invited Alan Kitty to perform as Mark Twain. His 90 minute one-man show, Alive and Well was the inaugural offering of what was to become the Rose Lehrman Performing Arts Center.

A deep dive into Scholarly research has expanded to include a lecture series, theatrical performances around the country and scores of  event speeches written to help clients achieve their unique meeting goals.

Click here to watch a clip from the New York Show

About Alan Kitty

Alan Kitty is an actor, playwright and event speaker best known for his solo shows and  lectures on all things Twain.  Current works include the Autobiographical They Told Me to be Brief and Original Sin, adapted from Twain’s Diaries of Adam and Eve.

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