Too few Americans understand the shared influence of History and Literature on Society. We connect the two through the works of Mark Twain.
We founded The Mark Twain Education Society on the idea that understanding America’s past is key to our future. Twain’s work is a window into that past. Ongoing research connects the past to the present, and hopefully, a better future.
Twain wrote about the human condition. Enriching understanding of his work, life and times builds awareness of historical and current events. This in turn can change the world — one laugh at a time.
Senior Communities experience high quality Lectures. The result is invigorated memories of their own youth, and a desire to learn more.
Our Theatrical performances are suited to audiences of all ages and origins. As a result, we contribute to a better understanding of American Culture.
Only 35% of our income comes from Performances and Lectures. For the rest, we rely on your kind support.
Help us continue our mission by completing the Pledge Form below. We will follow up in a few days.